Our Team


Mercy Velez

Mercy is an aspiring accountant who works in NYC. Her favorite bible verse is Romans 8:28 and we know that in all things God work’s for good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purposes. My whole youth I have spent partaking in community outreach, from visiting shelters to giving food to the homeless. Through FGIM I hope to partake, not only administratively but also on mission trips to extend my outreach to wherever God takes me.

Imer Ruiz

Imer is the Assistant Pastor at IGLESIA Cristiana Misionera "Alfa y Omega", inc. located in Long Branch, NJ. She has a B.S. in Psych & Counseling which aides her in her ministry work with the youth at her local church. To be part of fGIm is a great opportunity and blessing because we hope to be agents of change to humanity nationally and internationally. It is my prayer that God may utilize us to impact and bring lives to Christ so they may reach the spiritual transformation that will cause emotional, physical, family and social health we so need.


Jose C. Peña Arévalo

Currently lives in El Caserio El Jute, C Agua Zarqa Municipio de Agua Caliente, Depto de Chalatenango. He is a member of IGLESIA de Dios es Amor AD, Pastor Rafael Adolfo Nuñez. His biggest desires are to share the gospel and reach out to the youth through his own testimony (as a previous drug and alcohol addict). I want them to know that with the help of God and good guidance we can live a good life with purpose. Favorite bible verses are: 1 Chron 17:13, Psalms 2:7, mt 5:9, lc 6.35, John 1:12-13, Eph 1.5, John 3:16-17.