Jesus, Our Source of Living Water


Have you ever felt an insatiable thirst, that no matter how much you drink water, it does not seem to quench your thirst? We know that thirst is anxiety, caused by the human instinct to drink. And if we don't drink water, we get dehydrated. Just as we need water to function properly, our spiritual life also needs water, which is why in the scriptures Jesus is presented as our source of Living Water. And we see it in chapter 4 of the book of John. In this chapter we see the story of Jesus and the Samaritan woman. Jesus says to her “if you knew the gift of God and who it is that tells you; Give me a drink, you would ask Him and He would give you Living Water ”. The intrigued and doubtful woman, when she saw that Jesus had nothing to collect the water asked her, where do you have the living water? And this is where an extraordinary promise is proclaimed! Jesus answers her "whoever drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water that I will give him will never be thirsty" John 4:14

How wonderful to see that Jesus is the source of Living Water, He is that source that satisfies us, that source that fills us, that source that gives us peace, love, and hope. When we are sad he fills us with peace and when we feel alone he wraps us with his love. He is the source that when everything seems lost gives us courage and strength to face what may come our way.

And I say this from personal experience. During this Pandemic in the month of May, I received a diagnosis of a catastrophic disease "Cancer". It was something that I never thought I would have to battle. It took me by surprise, it was as if a bucket of cold water was thrown at me. I cried like I never had before, I was scared, I asked myself a thousand questions. And amid that pain I remembered that without God I am nothing, that He knows everything and that He will give me the Peace and Healing that I ask so much of him in mercy.

 Jesus is my source of Living Water, which satisfies me and tells me you can, as I will be with you, do not fear. I remember that in my grief and pain I received a hymn from the Christian singer Jose Flores that says “Give me your water, refresh my heart. May the fire of your bonfire saturate my interior with the Holy Spirit, come and quench this thirst. Give me your anointing Holy Spirit, refresh my whole being”. How wonderful to know that Jesus is the source of Living Water and that if we always seek Him for that Water we will never thirst again! As Jesus once said in John 7:37, "If anyone is thirsty, come to Me and drink."

We must always yearn to drink of that Living Water. Regardless of where we are, what trials we are going through, what desert we are going through, we always must seek to refresh ourselves in the Lord[ as the source that is Christ Jesus]. And it is when we refresh ourselves in Him that everything is easier and more bearable. Christ refreshes our soul. If you still do not know about Jesus and you want to drink this Living Water, I invite you to do so and allow it to refresh your being. I promise that once you taste it you will never be thirsty again. God bless you; I pray that God will satisfy your interior and his Holy Spirit will refresh your whole being.


God Bless,

Arlene Figueroa


A Story of Giving