A Story of Giving


Have you ever gone shopping for something you needed and ended up leaving without that thing you were looking for, but, instead left with a bunch of other items that were not for you but for others? 

Yep, that was and still is much of my story!

Not so long ago, the very same thing happened, and my mother said, “always thinking about others before yourself.” And I do not share this for vain glory, rather, I really believe this character-trait has been ingrained in me because it just comes naturally and effortlessly. I have always wanted to help others and whenever someone has approached me with a need, even if I do not know much about the situation, I try to educate myself and help as much as I can.

In serving others without thinking twice about it and expecting nothing in return I have been blessed by God, and not, just financially, but health-wise, and in a much greater way down, deep in my heart and soul. There is something just so beautiful about giving yourself completely in Service for the Lord and being a vessel in His hands.

Just recently, I was blessed with an offering, and although, very grateful for it as I am now dedicated to full-time ministry, I was grateful for the recognition, however, I knew up until this moment, the Lord has been caring for my family and I in every way and I wanted to ‘pay the blessing forward.’ I used that offering to help with the purchase of groceries to a family the Lord kept placing in my heart. I did not know their situation and although it made no sense to me as I was entirely unaware of what was going on, I obeyed. After dropping off the groceries, on my drive back home, all I could do was cry! There were moments where I doubted about what I was doing, saying, what if their fridge is full and I am just being led by emotion, but,  I chose to be obedient, no matter how crazy or illogic I felt the whole ordeal was. I received a call as I arrived home and to make a long story short, the family was in great need! All I could think was ‘God is awesome’ and I am happy to be his follower and that He chose me to be part of that moment.

Since that moment, he has continually been leading me to just give.

Give, without, really having much.

If I ever felt in my heart to give, I did, but always felt the “pressure” to “give a lot”. At one point, I was able to do so financially, but in this season in my life, I have been battling in finding contentment in just giving what I have, (even though I knew I was giving from my whole heart). And no matter how joyous I have been to give, the feeling of insufficiency has always tried to creep back in.

And so, this brings me to two different biblical passages that discuss the season of giving I find myself in:

“Then one poor widow came and threw in two mites, which make a quadrans. So He called His disciples to Himself and said to them, “Assuredly, I say to you that this poor widow has put in more than all those who have given to the treasury; for they all put in our of their abundance, but she out of her poverty put in all that she had, her whole livelihood.” [Mark 12:41-44]

I want to encourage you that no matter how much you think you have to “give” or do not have to -“give”, if you feel led in your heart to give, then do so. Do not belittle what you have to offer in service to the Lord, albeit, through your finances, your talents, and any other service. He is looking to use us, and He can only reveal all His glory through us if we “give our whole livelihood.”

Want to see the glory of God even during what “little you consider you have to give”? Then, consider, this verse: “…Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”  (Matthew 17:20) Will it be through our power and might? No, but once, again, it is not about the size or the quantity, herein, all He asks is for faith the size of a mustard seed.

So, if you have not considered you have much to give, then think again! All God is looking for are hearts willing to serve at any capacity.

Recently, it all began with shopping for groceries for a family, to purchasing a door that was needed for a home construction in progress in El Salvador that is being donated to a young boy and his family, to believing that with the support of close family and friends I could raise the funds needed to finish the same house [funds were raised in 24 hours], and finally feeling that God is leading us to help finish the vision God put in the heart of this pastor to construct 8 houses for poor children in El Salvador. We just recently helped to finish building house #4 and we want to be able to help and not only start, but finish building homes 5-8 (4 more to go).


Construction of the 4 homes will begin in January of 2021. Basic construction costs for each home is $5,000.00 bringing it to total of $20,000.00 needed to complete all 4 homes. Labor is being donated by 3 local area pastors and an additional labor-man. Please help us reach our goal and if you find it in your heart to help us surpass this goal so we can also provide furnishings and bless the men of God who are donating their labor; we are sure you will be sowing in fertile soil.

You can make a donation on our website at: https://www.faithandgraceim.org/take-action

We invite you to check out the video pertaining to this project on our YouTube Channel:



Thank you and God Bless!

In His Service,

Nancy Rodriguez



Jesus, Our Source of Living Water


By Grace - Through Faith - In Him