By Grace - Through Faith - In Him

God bless you all!

Welcome to the official webpage of FGIM! I hope you have had an opportunity to peruse through our website as well as connect through our social media links and “follow” us. 

Before I begin to dive in and write the content of this post; Kirk Franklin's “When I think about Jesus” immediately popped into my head and what better way to begin than with a praise break?! 

Cue in the praise break…..[I am all up in my praise right now and you can feel free to do so, too!]

No matter what denomination or spiritual walk you visit us from, I am sure that at one point in your life, His grace has sustained you and pushed you along when you were down deep and low and about ready to give up!

I was about 12 years old when I first heard Kirk Franklin”s “When I think about Jesus”. We were driving back from my first youth camp and I was the youngest out of the bunch. This song was playing in the car and I was soaking in the fellowship experience at the moment while remembering the way the Lord’s presence had been so palpable at camp. Being an introvert, most of my life, it was easier to soak in all the energy around me then to really express it, but deep down my heart was rejoicing and I was dancing all right (even though my body wasn’t moving). This experience and many more to come would leave a lasting impression in my life and served as building blocks to my growing (foundation) conviction of who God would be in my life and His purpose in mine.  

Although, I could bore you with a boring resume list of all my accomplishments, studies, and leadership positions within the church, at the end of the day, one thing was clear in my heart and mind and that was that He had called me to Serve. It was clear, no matter how nerve-wrecking the task at hand could be, and even if it took me out of my comfort zone, if He was calling me to do it, how could I say no? 

To make a long story short, in 2010, I had the dream to start a non-profit to better establish the opportunity and connections to reach the world through missions, but I didn’t officially begin with the incorporation process till 2020. There were many reasons between 2010 and today as to why I didn’t start the process, but I won’t go into detail as to what they are (I could write about this testimony later on). What I will share is that during the process of laying the foundation for the organization there were times where I felt discouraged and wanted to give up (what? I haven’t officially started, yet !) But the struggle is legit - however, let me encourage you and tell you not to give up, rather, learn to trust His process and time. Believe that He will do great things and is working behind the scenes even if you don’t see it with your eyes. I mean, who would start an organization, or maybe a business, project, or even re-locate somewhere new during a difficult time in history where the world is facing a pandemic that has brought upon death, loss of jobs and finances? I did! Borders are closed and nothing is certain, but it is “in” moments like these that the Lord is most glorified (if you allow Him to do so)!

One thing I have learned in my years of serving the Lord is that your character (integrity) must be a constant (you must be steadfast in the Lord) because “heaven and earth will pass away, but [his] words will not pass away.” In knowing this, we do not fret, nor get anxious, but trust that His plan and timing is perfect. Tomorrow is not guaranteed nor are it’s weathering conditions but if He is guiding us then He will equip us accordingly, provide us with the strategies and lead us. 

“For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be glory forever. Amen” Romans 11:36 

Stay tuned as we will be sharing content of our experiences [on our website and social platforms] as the Lord opens doors and projects to carry out for His glory!

If you are interested in receiving further content and updates, please subscribe on our webpage. Need prayer? Feel free to contact us with a prayer request. 

In His Service,

Nancy Rodriguez



A Story of Giving